Do you want to block someone from sending you a chat message?
Go to the Chatroom > [≡] or [︙] on the top right > [Settings] > tap [Block this chat].
Existing messages will be deleted and you won't receive any further chat messages from the member you've blocked. Keep in mind, you cannot block a member right away in the default or public chatroom.
If you want to chat with a blocked member, go to BAND [Settings] > [Blocked Chats] > tap [Unblock].
If you don't want members to message you automatically, go to the Band > [My Settings] > turn off [Receive Chat Messages Automatically]. You can accept or decline chat requests from the BAND Chat tab. Unanswered requests will be automatically declined after 30 days.
If [Receive Chat Messages Automatically] is ON, you'll automatically join chat rooms you've been added to.
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